Thursday, February 10, 2011


Twice a month we participate in multicultural lessons. Our most recent lesson was based on the story Cleversticks by Bernard Ashley. The story was about a boy named Ling Sung who didn't like school. He thought the other kids in his class were good at something, everyone except him. Ling Sung discovers he is good at something... "a cleverstick trick"and his whole class decides they want to do this trick too! Our ELL teacher brought us Chinese food from a local restaurant and chopsticks. We learned how to use the chopsticks and then put them to use! This was a great learning experience to experience something we may not normally try!


In Everyday Math, we are starting a new unit on geometry. Today, the kids used their shape templates "to get ideas" and then drew with their finger on their partner's back a shape from the template (triangle, rhombus, hexagon, circle, etc). The other partner then had guess what shape was drawn on their back. The kids loved it! It was so fun!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is to become a better blogger! I am going to try to post things on our blog more often starting with the long awaited Humpty Dumpty video.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

McCurdy Memo

-Check your child's red folder for homework assignments this week.

Important dates:

Open House-- September 8th  5:30-7:00
Picture day-- September 14th
Scholastic orders due-- September 24th

-If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis please send me a note in the red folder or an email letting me know what day of the week you would like to come and the time. I am looking for parent(s) to help with making copies, making games for Everyday Math, filing papers, etc. 

 Have a great week!
Mrs. M

The unpacking began...

I thought the kids would enjoy seeing what our classroom looked like this summer... My parents drove a U-Haul up to Alaska from Georgia this summer with all of my school things and furniture for my house. The U-Hual drove up to the school, we unloaded everything, and started unpacking....

After unloading the U-hual we stacked everything in the center of the classroom. It is hard to believe the room looked like this up till 3 weeks before school started!


I was inspired by the other first grade teachers to start a blog. I will post classroom updates and important information. Everything that is in the newsletter will be on here as well. You are welcome to share this link to your friends and family. I think you and your family will enjoy visiting the blog! I will update at least once a week.